Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I need for publishers to take a break--of about ten years. 

So many  new books come out that I want to read, and I haven't made a noticeable dent in the ones I have. There's the "lunch in the car" book--Justinian's Flea. I'm all caught up in the mechanics of the birth of Europe because of the bubonic plague. Fifteen minutes a day. The "lunch in the office" book, currently alternating between The Harper Collins Visual Guide to the New Testament: What Archaeology Reveals about the First Christians (if I have a half-hour) and Latinos in the Arts (if I have ten minutes for lunch I can read a couple of the mini-bios). There's the constant stack of quilting magazines (all over the house) and the cover-to-cover National Geographic for Sunday morning stay-in-bed-till-8:30. I haven't had time to read a novel in months, but there are two sitting beside the bed waiting for me, patiently. For driving back and forth to the office--audio books (Prisoner of Azkaban at the moment--and yes, I read the hardcover when it came out; ah, but how fresh to hear a different voice in my head.)

I need to retire from work so I can read in longer stretches.

Friday, April 4, 2008

on Quilt Show inspiration

The Blueberry Festival of Quilts is coming in mid-June. As an active member of the Nacogdoches quilt guild, I'm expected (though not mandated) to enter some of my prolific production in the quilt show. Hmmm...I know I'm a show-off, but somehow, putting my quilts in a show is. . .itchy. Makes my hackles prickle. 

So, for the past week I've been pondering exactly what the role of competition is in developing my skills and creativity. All sorts of musings interrupt my typically logical approach: what if I get a ribbon will that stifle my striving to get better what if the judge doesn't recognize my approach (contemporary) because s/he's a traditionalist what if what if what if. 

Ah, I know! I should go back to my usual show-off position and pick the ones I think will thrill the audience. It's all about audience. Yeah, that's logical.